13.07.2024 23:46
Flight Departure
Chengalpattu ICH
11.07.2024 11:01
Departed from the first mile sorting center UC513201676TW
Krasnodar MSC
08.07.2024 22:17
Your item is currently with Customs in the destination country
Korean airlines
06.07.2024 09:32
Shipment information received
Alwar ICH
03.07.2024 20:47
Arrived at Facility
Guangzhou city
01.07.2024 08:03
Departure from International Sorting Center
CHICAGO, IL, 60607
28.06.2024 19:18
Departed Facility In processing center
26.06.2024 06:33
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
International Hub
23.06.2024 17:48
Item Delivery Confirmed
Centro de Tratamento Porto (Perafita)
21.06.2024 05:04
Arrived at US airport,delivery to distribution center
18.06.2024 16:19
The shipment is handed over in bulk final acceptance of the item to be confirmed
16.06.2024 03:34
Item Delivered
Lucknow BNPL SP Hub
13.06.2024 14:50
Flight Departure
CA, OAKLAND, 94612
11.06.2024 02:05
The shipment item is under transportation
Rentachintala S.O
08.06.2024 13:20
Yanwen facility - Outbound
Junagadh PH
Tracking numbers examples: